Pray for the persecuted Christians around the world....

Plz Pray for the persecuted Christians around the world....

The man sitting on the floor, dressed in white, is a Christian pastor who lives in Syria, Middle East. In the morning, he went out to preach the Gospel, and when he returned home that afternoon, he found all his children dead, four children murdered by extremists.

He was asked, before the bodies if he would stop preaching Christ. He replied: "That's not me. Nobody will silence my voice. Will speak the word of the Lord. More than ever, I proclaim Christ and His Salvation."

"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be merry you, because great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. "(Matthew 5:10-12)

May God Bless You Pastor...

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Comments :

Winnie Rabong:

 It's happen around the world..I hate religion for they don't know God is love who save us by Grace!

Amy Coburn :

Father, gird up the loins of this man of God, continue to breath Your Word into his heart! Place a hedge of Your waring Angels around him to protect him against the plans of the enemy that would seek to silence him! Place Your arms around him and holdhim close as he grieves for his children, but never let his resolve to serve You waiver! Remind him that The Holy Spirit is with him, to empower him, guide him and comfort him! let him feel our prayers as we lift him up before You, In Jesus Name, Amen!!!

Source : FB Maranatha

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