Statistik Perkembangan Hirarki Gereja Katolik Di Dunia

Menurut Buku Tahunan Tahta Suci 2013 jumlah orang katolik sedunia relatif tidak berubah dari tahun sebelumnya, yaitu 1.214 juta, hanya sedikit lebih banyak dari angka pertumbuhan penduduk dunia periode 2010/2011. Jumlah imam bertambah banyak (religius dan diosesan), khususnya dari Asia dan Afrika sehingga membuat imbang susutnya imam dari Eropa (-9% dalam dasawarsa terakhir).

Jumlah biarawati terus cenderung menurun 10% sepanjang dasawarsa lalu. Namun, angka statistik yang paling mengejutkan adalah menurut Pontifical Yearbook 2013 yang diumumkan hari Senin ini adalah bahwa jumlah diakon kekal dari mana-mana terutama Eropa dan AS meningkat lebih dari 40% dibanding dasawarsa lalu.

Buku Tahunan Tahta Suci 2013 diserahkan kepada Paus Fransiskus hari Senin 13 Mei 2013 oleh Sekretaris Negara Vatikan Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone dan oleh Pejabat Pengganti Urusan Umum Uskup Agung Mge Angelo Becciu. Buku Tahunan itu disiapkan oleh Monsignor Vittorio Formenti (Ketua Editor), selaku prefek Biro Pusat Statistik Gereja, bersama Prof. Enrico Nenna dan kawan-kawan.( FB  Bambang Kuss )

2013 Pontifical Yearbook: Permanent diaconate booms in Europe, U.S.
2013-05-13 Vatican Radio
(Vatican Radio) The number of Catholics globally remains largely unchanged at 1214 million, rising only slightly higher than global population growth for the 2010/2011 period. The number of priests (religious and diocesan) has grown, largely thanks to a rise in vocations in Asia and Africa which has helped balance the continued decline in Europe (-9% in the last decade). 
The same cannot be said for the number of professed women religious with a downward trend registering a drop of 10% over the past decade. But, perhaps the most surprising statistic revealed in the 2013 Pontifical Yearbook Monday was the boom in vocations to the permanent diaconate, particularly in Europe and the US where numbers have increased by over 40% in the past decade.
The 2013 Pontifical Yearbook was presented to the Holy Father Monday morning by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and the Substitute for General Affairs Archbishop Angelo Becciu. The preparation of the new Yearbook was edited by Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, in charge of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Church, by Prof. Enrico Nenna and other collaborators.
At the same time the Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae, 2011, edited by the same office was also presented. Both volumes will soon be on sale in bookshops.
The Holy Father expressed his gratitude for the tribute, showing a keen interest in the figures illustrated therein and expressing deep gratitude to all those who have contributed to the new edition of the two yearbooks.
The data recorded revels new statistics relating to the life of the Catholic Church in the world, in the course of 2012 and until the election of Pope Francis. 
During this period 11 new Episcopal Sees, 2 Personal Ordinariates, 1 Apostolic Vicariate and 1 Apostolic Prefecture were erected; 1 Territorial Prelature was elevated to the rank of Diocese and 2 Apostolic Exarchates to Eparchies.
The statistical data from the Annuarium Statisticum, (statistical Yearbook relevant to 2011) referring to the year 2011 highlights aspects of the presence and ministry of the Catholic Church in 2979 ecclesiastical jurisdictions around the world.
The number of Catholics worldwide rose from 1196 in 2010 to 1214 million in 2011, an increase of 1.5% and since this growth is only slightly higher than that of the Earth's population (1.23%), the presence of Catholics in the world remains essentially unchanged (17.5%). Territorial analysis of changes in this period, show an increase of 4.3% of Catholics in Africa, which instead saw a population increase of 2.3%. Asia also registered an increase in the number of Catholics that was higher than that of the population (2.0% versus 1.2%). The growth in the number of Catholics in America and Europe remained stable, in line with population growth (0.3%). In 2011, the total number of baptized Catholics distributed across the continents is: 16.0% in Africa, 48.8% in the Americas, 10.9% in Asia, 23.5% in Europe and 0.8% in Oceania.
The number of bishops in the world increased, from 2010 to 2011, from 5,104 to 5,132, with a relative increase of 0.55%. The increase particularly involved, Oceania (4.6%) and Africa (+1.0%), while Asia and Europe are slightly above the global average. America did not register any changes. Given these different dynamics, however, the distribution of Bishops across the various continents remained largely stable over the last two year period under consideration, with America and Europe alone, continuing to represent nearly 70 percent of the total.
Globally, the presence of the diocesan and religious priests has increased over time, growing in the last decade from 405,067 units as of December 31, 2001, to 413,418 as of December 31, 2011 (+2.1%). This evolution was not, however, uniform in different geographical areas. The dynamics of the number of priests in Africa and Asia is somewhat comforting, with a +39.5% and +32.0% respectively (and with an increase of over 3,000 units, for the two continents, in 2011 alone), while America remains stationary around an average of 122 thousand units. Europe, in contrast to the global average, has seen a decrease of more than 9% in the past decade.
Permanent deacons are booming both globally and in individual continents, passing from a total of more than 29,000 in 2001 to about 41,000 units a decade later, with a variation of more than 40%. Europe and America registered both the most numerically significant and vibrant trend. In fact, the European deacons, little more than 9,000 units in 2001, were almost 14,000 in 2011, an increase of over 43%. In America the number grew from 19,100 units in 2001 to more than 26,000 in 2011. These two continents, alone, account for 97.4% of the global total, with the remaining 2.6% split between Africa, Asia and Oceania.
The group of professed religious who are not priests has continued to firmly establish itself over the last decade, registering just over 55,000 units in 2011. In Africa and Asia there are variations of +18.5% and +44.9%, respectively. In 2011 these two continents together counted for over 36% of the total (compared to less than 28% in 2001). In contrast, the numbers registered in Europe (-18%), America (-3.6%) and Oceania (-21.9%) dropped by almost 8 percentage points over the last decade.
A strong downward trend was observed in data for the professed [women] religious, with a decrease of 10% from 2001 to 2011. The total number of professed religious, that counted than 792 thousand units in 2001 is now at just over 713 thousand 10 years later. The decline particularly affects three continents (Europe, America and Oceania), with significant variations (-22% in Europe, -21% in Oceania and -17% in America). In Africa and Asia, however, there has been a sustained increase, more than 28% in the first continent and 18% in the second. Consequently, the fraction of professed religious in Africa and Asia out of the global total increased from 24.4% to about 33%, at the expense of Europe and America, whose dropped respectively by a total of 74% to 66%.
Candidates for diocesan and religious priesthood globally went from 112,244 in 2001 to 120,616 in 2011, an increase of 7.5%. The evolution was very different in the various continents. While, Africa (+30.9%) and Asia (+29.4%) showed a lively growth, Europe and America recorded a decline of 21.7% and of 1.9%; respectively. As a result, we observe a reduction in the contribution of the European continent to the growth potential of the renewal of priestly life, with a quota that has passed from 23.1% to 16.8%, compared with an expansion of the African and Asian continents.

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